Smith & Wesson

AIRGUN Smith&Wesson REVOLVER M-586

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BGN 399.00
  • Brands: Smith & Wesson

    In our store, under the brand Smith & Wesson, you will find high-quality revolvers and pistols, carbines, and rifles. A wide range of original Smith & Wesson tactical knives, hunting knives, everyday use knives, and accessories. The American firearms company "Smith & Wesson" does not need an introduction, as for more than a century and a half, its revolvers and pistols have been walking the world. "Smith & Wesson" is a global leader in the production of short firearms.

SKU: 448.00.04 (520 084)


Model - Smith & Wesson M-586 4 "
Caliber - 4,5 mm (.177)
Capacity - 10 shot type cup
Barrel length - 102 mm
Foresight - fixed
Sight - adjustable
Handle - metal clad with ergonomic rubber
Cover - Black
Overall length - 241 mm
Material - Frame of synthetics and metal parts from steel and alloys
Weight (empty) - 1135 g
Operation of the trigger - a combined single and double
Principle of operation - CO2 capsule

The "Smith & Wesson M-586" (Smith & Wesson M-586) is designed for training and recreational shooting. It is a replica of martial revolvers M-586 with a .357 Magnum.
The characteristic feature is the 10-charging mini-drum, which is placed between the barrel and fictitious drum. The capsule is placed in the handle and it can produce up to 50 shots. There are two versions of this air pistol length barrels of 152 and 203 mm.

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