Derya Arms

Single shot shotgun DERYA SS-103, cal.12/76, 61 сm.

Single shot shotgun DERYA SS-103,  cal.12/76, 61 сm.

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BGN 499.00
  • Brands: Derya Arms

    Derya Arms is a firearms company based on the principles of high quality and low cost, while providing weapons for defense and hobby purposes.

This single shot shotgun is a very popular choice among hunters across the country. Available in three calibers: 12, 20 and 410.
Single-shot shotguns were originally made for hunters who needed a reliable and affordable weapon. It has an external firing pin and gives good aim on target thanks to the red rear sight.
Derya Single Shots have an adjustable recoil pad (with dividers) to improve shooter comfort. This reliable rifle has walnut and polymer stock options.

Model: Derya SINGLE SS-103
Caliber: 12 gauge
Chamber: 3"
Capacity: 1
Barrel length 61 cm / 24"
Weight 2.6 kg
Stock: Synthetic

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