Rifle ATA ARMS TURQUA II Laminated cal. 308 Win 61cm
The first bolt carbine made in Turkey - ATA ARMS TURQUA .308 Win
Where innovation meets the 60 years of ATA ARMS experience, something new and sophisticated is born...
SKU: 681026
Caliber: .308 Win
Precision: 1 MOA - 3 shots per group within 1,047 inches (2.65 cm) per 100 yards (91.44 m)
Barrel Material: Chromium molybdenum steel with special design
Barrel Slices: 4
Barrel Step: 1:11 "
Barrel Length: 24 "(61cm)
Barrel coating: blue
Trigger: 2-speed, adjustable from 0.8 kg (1.7 kg) to 1.6 kg (3.5 kg)
Bolt: Monoblock steel, there are three combat stops
Price box: monoblock steel
Picatiny Rail: Steel, ~ 22mm, 0 MOA, Mil-Std 1913
Fuse: 3-stage - 1. Fire; 2. Locks the trigger, but the shutter works; 3. Locks both the shutter and the trigger
Magazine capacity: single row with 3 or 5 rounds
Stock: Laminated wood
Weight: 3.75kg (8lbs)
Turkish manufacturer Ata Arms has added another new addition to its range of innovations by launching the first bolt carbine ever made in Turkey. Under the name "Turqu" (Turqu), the carbine is 100% made in Turkey and is different from other commercially available thanks to its 3-stage protection, the professional two-stage adjustable trigger, as well as a 60 degree bolt lift, which is less than the 90 degree bolt, which in turn allows for faster reloading for subsequent shots. It has an ergonomic butt made of specially ground turkey, designed to guarantee accuracy and comfortable shooting.
This product can only be purchased at our stores!