Suppressor B&T M. A. R. S. cal. 5.56mm/ 223Rem

Suppressor B&T M. A. R. S. cal. 5.56mm/ 223Rem

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BGN 1,390.00
  • Brands: B&T

    High-quality Swiss suppressors and rifles from the renowned brand B&T Brugger and Thomet, with over 30 years of experience in their production.

If the requirements ask for a suppressor to be as light and compact as possible, with superior muzzle flash and sound reduction, the B&T M.A.R.S. (Miniature Assault Rifle Suppressor) is the preferable choice.


Art. number: SD-988130-BK
Caliber: 5.56mm/ .223
Weight: 380 g.
Diameter: 39 mm
Length: 126 mm
Sound Level: 20 dB


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